Making your own beef broth is easy to do. If you don't raise cattle to butcher, you won't be saving any money doing this. If you don't raise your own cattle, you can either buy meaty beef bones from the butcher (they are cheap) or talk to one your friends who does raise cattle because they likey have more than they care to keep. Here's the recipe (note: all my measurements are guesses and can be altered to what you have on hand - I don't really measure or weigh anything unless I'm making soap).
4 pounds meaty beef bones
2-1/2 quarts water
2 medium onions, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
parsley, basil, or sage (fresh)
salt to taste
Mix it all together and cook it for about 6 hours. Skim off any fat (this is easily done if you let it cool first). Strain it and store in freezer baggies or freezer containers. You can can this if it's too close to hurricane season (I try to deplete my freezers before hurricane season if possible). Enjoy!
Thanks for reminding me to make some broth and freeze it... I will as soon as we get away from the winter power outages. Good idea!